Trump Won...........Covid Injection kills your immune system and has spike protiens, nano particles, graphine oxide....... The border is open to replace us all......... If they take the guns they will kill us all..... Polygraph any one of the CIA NAZIS.............Ukraine has been the hotbed for the CIA NAZIS and has or had over 100 bioweapon labs deemed illegal per the geneva convention. Ukraine has also been the CIA NAZI human organ harvesting center. They actually grow humans and once they are ready to butcher for the organs, they run the kids through a butchering area and without pain medicine or anything, butcher the kids, extract the anochrome from the pinial gland for the elite, discard the flesh and turn that into food for the ones that are not ready yet........ Some of them are sold to the elite till they grow tired of them then they simply kill them and get another one as they were grown with no identity............. If you don't believe any of this then maybe you watch a CIA NAZI controlled device called a Television PROGRAM digital device..... That device can also control you with controlled waves straight into your brain.......... But go ahead and ignore the REAL NAZIS doing what they do.......... I'm risking myself posting this but not saying anything is guilt by neglect and association......Right? The END.............Get Baptized.........

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