
About this website: Scripts I've placed are scripted to write the information about the webpage for you.

Also pimps out my site so it might make more than $5 a month. Seriously.

Twitter (New Scripts) Write out the title and keywords.

You can do whatever you want with it.

Facebook just throws whatever out there in it's own way.

Email This To A Friend BUTTON writes out the email.

Sometimes it's better to use your computers email as it pulls up a photo from the webpage.

I never figured out how to do that with a link.

Google+ Button Works real good

Donation button hasn't given me a FN dime

If you're laughing at this website, Eat Me Raw, lol.

I'm just keeping out of trouble.

Challenging my brain to do things

No one taught me a single thing about computers

Not even how to turn one on

So be quiet







To go


To the



So I created this twacked out website years ago.

Nobody showed me anything about anything about nothing.

Nobody showed me how to use a computer.

I didn't even know how to turn one on.

What you see is reverse engineering of websites and my

own ideas incorporated into meaningless jibberish, lol.

My dad used to send me a ton of emails. Jokes, informative stuff etc.

I thought if I cleaned them up and made web pages it would be cool.

Preserving them old emails forever. Sort of. Google doesn't pay squat.

That's why I have a donation link. Hopefully I make a few bucks to

help people with cancer and things like that.

Tell me something



these letters above in the shape of a guitar?

If the page has a copyright notice on the bottom

That page has been gone through 100 times and should be ok

Right now I have to get back to the gym and get these few pounds back off

Have A Nice Day

Copyright ©